6 tips to Balance your life and deal with Loneliness 3

6 tips to Balance your life and deal with Loneliness 3

Open up 

6 tips to Balance your life and deal with Loneliness
6 tips to Balance your life and deal with Loneliness

You might feel that you have plenty of connections, but what is actually wrong is that you don’t feel close to them, or they don’t give you the care and attention you need.

This might simply be a case that you are not communicating your needs to them. You are expecting them to know what you need and this is usually a tricky thing. Only you can really know what you need so it is up to you to let your friends and family know so that they can help.

It may be that you are inadvertently covering up your feelings. You might be pretending that all is well when it isn’t. This is common mistake that people make in our society. Stiff upper lip is not the way to go. You need to tell people what’s wrong if you ever expect them to do anything to help you change it.

If you are not happy talking to a friend then speak to a doctor, a trusted co-worker or a professional such as a psychologist or life coach. The important thing is that you tell SOMEONE!

Tomorrow I will talk about how to get over the fear of meeting new people.


Want to talk call Alan 07504539043

Alan Chadwick Coaching
6 tips to Balance your life and deal with Loneliness

6 tips to Balance your life and deal with Loneliness 2

6 tips to Balance your life and deal with Loneliness 

New connections

6 tips to Balance your life and deal with Loneliness 
6 tips to Balance your life and deal with Loneliness

It can be helpful to think of feeling lonely like feeling hungry. Just as your body uses hunger to tell your body you need food, loneliness is a way of your body telling you that you need more social contact.

As humans, we are a social species. We are designed to be part of a larger group. This has been passed on to us through thousands of years of evolution. Those humans who grouped together stood a better chance of survival as they helped and nurtured each other.

These humans were the ones to survive and pass on their social genes. Today we are still a product of this natural selection and we need to feel part of something other than ourselves.

Although it can be daunting to go out and seek new friends there are plenty of people, groups and organisations there to help. Join clubs, churches, age concern or even online groups to help you get connected. There are hundreds of groups on Facebook that cover just about any subject you can imagine.

There are local charities that run all sorts of events to engage and include the local community, especially those who are otherwise excluded.

Tomorrow I will share some tips on how you can become less lonely even when you seem to have lots of friends around.

Want to Talk Call Alan 07504539043

Alan Chadwick Coaching

6 tips to Balance your life and deal with Loneliness

6 tips to Balance your life and deal with Loneliness

6 tips to Balance your life and deal with Loneliness
6 tips to Balance your life and deal with Loneliness

Think about what is making you lonely

Being alone is not the same as being lonely. There is nothing wrong with being on your own if you are comfortable with it.

People usually describe feeling lonely for one of two reasons:

  • They simply don’t see or talk to anyone very often
  • Even though they are surrounded by people, they don’t feel understood or cared for.

Identifying the reasons why you feel lonely can be the first step in finding company. Is it that you don’t or can’t get out much on your own? Is it that you don’t feel confident in a crowd and so avoid new people and places? Is it that you are new to a place and have not yet made any friends?

By knowing what is causing the loneliness it will be easier to do something about it so if this is how you feel, or how a loved one feels then try asking them to think about what would make things better for them.

Once you know what could make things better then you can get to work on a plan to make it happen.

Tomorrow I will talk about the importance of connection in our society and how you can help yourself to become more connected.

Want to Talk Call Alan 07504539043

Alan Chadwick Coaching

Balance your life deal with Loneliness

Balance your life deal with Loneliness
Balance your life deal with Loneliness

Balance your life deal with Loneliness

Feeling lonely isn’t in itself a mental health problem, but the two are strongly linked. Having a mental health problem increases your chance of feeling lonely, and feeling lonely can have a negative impact on your mental health

Everyone has different social needs. You may be someone who is content with a few close friends, or you may need a large group of varied acquaintances to feel satisfied.

Bringing a balance to your life will help

Tomorrow 6 tips to Balance your life and deal with loneliness.

want to talk about it Call Alan 07504539043

Alan Chadwick Coaching