6 tips to Balance your life and deal with Loneliness 5

6 tips to Balance your life and deal with Loneliness 5

Be careful when comparing yourself to others 

6 tips to Balance your life and deal with Loneliness 5
6 tips to Balance your life and deal with Loneliness 5

It is very hard to stop comparing ourselves to others, we all do it, but it can help to just be aware that things are not always what they seem from the outside.

Everyone sees the world in a slightly different way, We see life through a lens. The lens is made up of our past experiences. These experiences will shape the way we view our surroundings, our friends, our lives and ourselves.

How your friend sees things will not necessarily be the way you see things. You will have had many debates about things in the past which will exemplify this.

Just because your friend is outgoing, the life and soul of the party and extraverted doesn’t mean that you should be the same. The great thing about you is that you are unique. There is no other person who is just like you – anywhere.

By bearing this in mind, you need to form your own opinions of what you like and what you don’t like. You should not be persuaded or coerced into doing something that you don’t like or don’t feel comfortable with. Peer pressure is a difficult thing to deny but deny you must. You need to make your own decisions about your life.

Once you have the courage to tell people what you want and what you like then you will find it much easier to do things you enjoy and avoid the things you don’t.

As mentioned in number 2, joining groups with like minded people who share a common interest or hobby cane be a great way to build connections and new friends and enjoy the process at the same time.

Tomorrow I will share the importance of checking your own feelings.

Want to talk call Alan 07504539043

Alan Chadwick Coaching

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